Monday, November 12, 2007

Giving Without Spending: Donate your breast milk

If you have an abundance of breast milk with no end in sight, consider donating it. The La Leche League website has a great page about breast milk donation here. Also included on this page, are a list of milk banks in the U.S. and other countries. If you go this route to donate, you may have to pay for shipping and packaging if you don't live near a bank.

There is another option for donation with The International Breastmilk Project. The milk they receive is sent to Africa for children who have been orphaned due to poverty and disease like HIV/AIDS. If you qualify for the program, they send you a cooler and cover the cost of shipping. Therefore, you pay nothing with this program.

Makes me want to start lactating! I really wish I would have known about this when I was breastfeeding my youngest.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I knew someone that did this. I never had enough milk though.